
Friday, June 10, 2011

Upcycled Statement T-Shirt

This is my first DIY post! Yea me!!!  I am soooo excited about the way this shirt turned out!! I took a really basic shirt (plain white Tee) and added a painted shimmy flower from OLD velvet shirt to the top... You could use any shirt with any design, or color.  I was sifting though an old clothing box in my craft room when I found the velvet shirt.  I used to wear this shirt when I was ten... ahhh, good times we had! haha 
Ready for the tutorial??
Basic shirt~ I used a white men's Hane's T-Shirt (men's are better, trust me on this one)

And another shirt with a cool image or "feature" to it. (Upcycled velvet shirt)
Sewing machine, pins, thread, etc... Or you could hand sew it on?
Sorry I don't have any step by steps photos but the process is very basic and easy so it doesn't take much. Seriously! I was done in 20 minutes, most was spent on the cutting part as I had to cut around each petal..
Notice how the flower shimmers a beautiful blue black! 

1) Lay out your white shirt and center the velvet flower, pin it to the shirt making sure to not catch the back of the shirt.

2)Now sew an 1/8" in all the way around the "feature" making sure to overlap and backstitch from where you started!
3) Cut threads!Now your FINISHED!! :)  Enjoy you fabulous statement shirt!! Look at the different ways you can wear it! Now.... wouldn't a shirt with a giant face on it be great for this?? Hmmmthrifting! ;)

Any questions? Contact me at!




  1. Really cute! (I saw this on Tatertots and Jello)

  2. What a brilliant idea. I LOVE it! It makes the design pop on your white tee. I'm a new follower! Can't wait to see what else you come up with.

  3. Good job! Come check out a dress shirt skirt!


I <3 your kind words!! :)